When separating, settling the arrangements for any children can be incredibly complex, emotional and challenging. We recognise that the children are the most important factor for most separating families and that can make it particularly emotional and hard to discuss the arrangements for them following the breakdown of a relationship.
When separating and discussing the future arrangements for their children, parents often refer to child law and custody and access. Solicitors and Courts do not use these terms but now refer to more child-focused arrangements in terms of who the children will live with and when they will spend time with the other parent. There are then various other things to think about that people often refer to as “child law” but there is not one specific child law. Instead, there are a whole host of laws and things to think about.
Our Family Law solicitors who specialise in child law have compiled a list of answers to commonly asked questions about child law so you can get a better understanding of what is involved and what to expect.