• < 1 min read

Employment Alert – Gender Pay Gap Reporting postponed


What’s happening?

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has confirmed that enforcement action against employers for failing to report their gender pay gap will be postponed. Employers will now have until 5 October 2021 to report, rather than by 4 April 2021 as originally planned.

Why is this important?

Put simply, it gives employers a little more time to get their information together and is aimed at reducing the administrative burden in the next couple of months for affected businesses.

Failure to comply may result in an investigation by the Commission, ‘naming and shaming’ and a criminal conviction with unlimited fines. We also believe it could result in reputational damage for the company and encourage employees to raise equal pay claims.

What should you do?

If this applies to you, ensure that you submit your report no later than 5 October 2021. Follow the link here to determine if it applies to you.

If you need any assistance with your gender pay gap reporting requirements, please get in touch.

If you need more information please contact us on 0800 2800 421 or email [email protected] to find out how we can help.

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