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How can I see my child without going to Court?

24. Father and daughter

The law provides a presumption that the involvement of both parents in the child’s life will future the child’s welfare, providing it is safe to do so.  Unless there are safeguarding concerns for the child, parents should attempt to agree arrangements for the child to spend time with each parent without involving the Court.

We recognise that it is sometimes difficult to agree these arrangements, particularly at a time when you are both coming to terms with the end of a relationship and emotions are running high.  We appreciate that it is important to preserve the co-parenting relationship so that you can both continue to be the best parents you can be for your child moving forwards.

Our team of child law solicitors are extremely experienced in assisting parents resolve matters without going to Court and will provide advice and assistance with the options available to you including mediation; a collaborative approach; round-table meetings or the involvement of other professionals such as family counsellors or therapists where appropriate and agreed by you. 

We can assist you with the preparation of a parenting plan setting out agreements reached about the practical elements of caring for your child following your separation.

If it does not prove possible for agreement to be reached through discussion and negotiation, consideration can be given to arbitration which is another form of non-Court based resolution and we can provide advice as to whether this is suitable in your case.

Our child law solicitors in Salisbury, Southampton, Winchester, Poole and Bournemouth are here to help.  Please contact our solicitors to arrange a free initial consultation using the quick contact form on this page or call 0800 2800 421.

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